Pitching Perfect is out now!

It's out! Pitching Perfect started from a silly conversation based on an even more silly tradition.  After finding Dextrious, I realised that I'd be able to prototype and produce this game in time for Christmas.

The Gameplay is simple each round an "Executive" deals the other players two characters, one location and one plot card. The players then name and pitch their movie. Each pitch must contain the elements from the cards.

Bam!  It's an instant Christmas movie. The executive can then add a note, and force the screenwriters to revise it. Add puppets! Monster trucks!

Included here is a print and play, though you can also find the game on Tabletop Simulator.


PitchingPerfect.zip 4.7 MB
4 days ago
ExampleGameplay.pdf 72 kB
1 day ago

Get Pitching Perfect - print and play

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